A wise friend once said to me, “put on a helmet, it’s about to become a very bumpy ride”. What we need to understand in the west as a working class society is this, if this were not happening, the “One World Government” would be in full control by 2030.
You don’t have to like Putin, I don’t. But I do know what is best for me, as does he, and surrendering our world to the like of Klaus Schwab and his nefarious cohorts absolutely is not it, for either of us. On that I am sure you can agree.
Restoring "old school journalism" at all costs in a fascist nation without the 1st Amendment.
Refusing to accept being silenced brings me here to another new journey on another new platform, you gota love freedom baby! Politically unreliable independent investigative journalism is the enemy of the state, I'm here to object. Here... hold my beer...
After last Saturdays unbelievable International Panel discussion there was a massive demand to hear more from Dr Rima Laibow so I'm bringing her on for a one on one... watch the Liberal Progressive Democrats lose their marbles!
Follow Dr Rima at: https://drrimatruthreports.substack.com/
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